The type of sensor and lighting conditions both impact video fidelity. In either case, the quality of the video can be improved by adjusting the lighting in the video. Forensic has an advanced algorithm for contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization.
This process uses algorithms for automatic contrast adjustments in a single frame and across multiple frames to simulate the effect of a longer exposure time. This has the effect of both suppressing noise and revealing new detail within the image/video.
Contrast - Compact | Contrast - Expanded |
You can change the amount of contrast enhancement by moving this slider from 0 (no change in contrast) to 200 (maximum contrast enhancement). The default value for this parameter is 30. |
When the Sensitivity level is set at 1, the contrast enhancement is applied to the entire frame as a whole. Higher settings enable the processing algorithm to work on smaller regions in a frame. For example, at a setting of 5, the contrast enhancement is applied to the individual histograms in each of the 25 regions within a transparent 5x5 grid within the image. |
This parameter defines how much to stretch the processing algorithm for significant contrast variations in the image. A larger Stretch is good for resolving details in the shadows. A lower Stretch works better for relatively even light distribution. The range for the stretch parameter is [0-1]. |