Snapshots are still image products you can generate in all MotionDSP applications. To create a snapshot click on the Snapshot button in the lower-right corner of the player. If your Product List is closed, you'll notice the product list icon will change color indicating a new product has been created.
Right-click on this new product and select Save As
Saving Snapshots has the following options
- Processed frame(s)
- This will save a copy of your snapshot with processing applied. _enhanced will be appended to the filename
- Original (unprocessed) frame(s)
- This will save a copy of your snapshot without processing applied. _original will be appended to the filename
- Merged original and processed frames
- This will save a copy of both the processed and unprocessed products side by side in one file. _merged will be appended to the filename
- Interpolation
- Choose the interpolation method for creating a merged product
- Save Region Only
- When working with the Region of Interest tool in Forensic Studio or Forensic, selecting this option will save only the area within the defined region
- Change snapshot image format
- Options include: BMP, PNG, JPG, TIFF